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1. Executive Summaries
- ‘Serious medical treatment and the law concerning patients in a permanent vegetative state’ (executive summary – pointing out implication for perceived need, at the time, to take all CANH cases to court) (Note – superseded by Supreme Court Judgment in Re Y)
- ‘Why PVS and MCS patients need case managers‘ (executive summary)
- ‘Reporting consciousness in coma: media framing of neuro-scientific research‘ (executive summary)
- ‘What’s important to residents and families in neuro-rehab…? – summary’ (executive summary)
- ‘The “window of opportunity” for death after severe brain injury- summary’ (executive summary)
2. Evidence submissions
- Evidence to: The Law Commission 2015 Consultation on the Law on Mental Capacity and Deprivation of Liberty (Evidence submission, 2015)
- Evidence to: House of Lords Select Committee on the Mental Capacity Act 2005 (Evidence submission, 2014)
- Evidence to: Parliamentary Select Committee Investigation into Continuing Healthcare Funding (Evidence submission, 2017)
- Evidence to: NICE (submitted 2018)
- Implications of Mandatory court applications – research evidence (Relevant to Re Y, Supreme Court Hearing Feb 2018)
- Evidence to the Research Excellence Framework 2021: Impact Case study – Improving decision-making for patients in vegetative and minimally conscious states.
3. Selected Powerpoints, Posters & discussion Papers
- ‘The rehabilitative care work of ‘hotel’ service staff in care settings‘ (Poster, Latchem, J)
- ‘Inclusivity and the insider outsider debate’ (Poster, Kitzinger, C and Kitzinger, J., 2014)
- “Coma, consciousness and serious brain injury“. (Powerpoint, Wellcome Trust symposium)
- ‘Disorders of Consciousness Wellcome Symposium’ – see Kitzinger (2010) Wellcome Symposium WP (Discussion paper, 2010 – for symposium)
- The Mental Capacity Act and family experiences of ‘best interests’ Powerpoint, RHN 2014 International Brain Injury Symposium
- ‘Does the possibility of moving from MCS into a state of ‘not being distressed’ overrule known past values and wishes?’ #COPBriggs’ (Wade, 2016)
- ‘The place of a person’s values & wishes in ‘best interests’ decision-making: reflecting on the Paul Briggs hearing’ (powerpoint)
- Twitter responses to ‘The place of a person’s values…’
- A ‘storify/wakelet’ account of the Paul Briggs court case – based on tweets from the hearing and subsequent twitter debate (Storify/wakelet) (prior to judgment)
- A Storify/wakelet account of the Mrs P case
- ‘Delays in treatment withdrawal…’ – presentation to Judicial College Family High Court Seminar
- ‘When survival may be an “adverse outcome’, Intensive Care Society’s ‘Adverse Outcomes’ study day, Nov 2022; and Leeds Critical Care Audit Meeting, Feb 2024.
4. Selected Magazine, general blogs and media articles
- Creating postive change: reflections on the UK Supreme Court decision about feeding tubes and end-of-life decisions
- ‘Life-and-death decisions: Knowing when to let go’. (Neuro-Rehab Times 4: 30-33, Kitzinger, C, 2017).
- ‘From research to creating social change through art and engagement‘ (blog for ESRC, Kitzinger, C and Kitzinger, J., 2015)
- ‘U.K.’s landmark case on withholding treatment affirms the importance of patients’ values’, (blog for Hasting bioethics center, Kitzinger, C and Kitzinger, J.)
- ‘Dying matters: that’s why we must listen to patients’ wishes‘, The Conversation, (article, Kitzinger, J., 2015)
- ‘Why are patients in permanent comas routinely kept alive?‘, The Conversation (article, Kitzinger, C and Kitzinger, J., 2015)
- ‘”M”, Polly and the right to die‘ (blog for Hastings bioethics, Kitzinger, C and Kitzinger, J. 2011)
5. Evaluations of CDoC professional training/public engagement/arts events
- Training/Arts Event – Badby Park Care/Rehab Centre, Daventry
- Training day for staff – Highfield House specialist nursing home
- Family-education-day-evaluation – Description + Evaluation
- Art/Exhibition/Performance open day on ‘GW4 Dying with Reduced Agency’, Bristol
- Public Engagement Exhibitions & talks, ‘Coma and Consciousness’ event, Cardiff
- Consultation on the BMA/RCP guidelines (co-organised with INPA)
- Perspectives on Death and Dying
- Blended learning for University students course evaluation (Latchem-Hastings, G)
- CPD training evaluation (Kitzinger, J; Latchem-Hastings, J and Gaddah, A)
- Using immersive simulations in PDoC training Poster
6. REF impact case studies based on CDoC’s work
- REF2021 – Impact case study REF2021 – Cardiff University – Improving decision-making for patients in vegetative and min
- REF2014 – Impact case study REF2014 – Cardiff University
7. Archive of relevant historical documents
Royal College of Physicians (2003) ‘The vegetative state: guidance on diagnosis and management’