Most publications are open access and are downloaded in full from this page (Just click on the red title of the article)
Latchem-Hastings J, Latchem-Hastings G, Kitzinger J (2023) Caring for people with severe brain injuries: Improving healthcare professional communication and practice through online learning, Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions.
Kitzinger, C & Kitzinger, J (2021) Challenging Mandatory Court Hearings for People in Vegetative and Minimally Conscious States: How to Change the Law in White, B and Willmott, L (ed) International perspectives on end-of-life law reform: Politics, persuasion and persistence, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. pp202-231
- Wade, D & Kitzinger, C (2019) “Making healthcare decisions in a person’s best interests when they lack capacity: clinical guidance based on a review of evidence”, Clinical Rehabilitation.
- Kitzinger, C & Kitzinger, J (2019) Supporting families involved in court cases about life‐sustaining treatment: Working as academics, advocates and activists. Bioethics
1111/bioe.12583 - Kitzinger, J (2019) Can you wake up after decades in a coma? The story behind the headlines. The Conversation.
- Kitzinger, J, Kitzinger, C (2018) Deaths after feeding tube withdrawal from patients in vegetative and minimally conscious states: A qualitative study of family experience, Palliative Medicine
- Kitzinger J & Kitzinger C. (2017) Why futile and unwanted treatment continues for some PVS patients (and what to do about it) International Journal of Mental Health and Capacity Law. pp129-143
- Kitzinger, J, Kitzinger, C & Cowley, J (2017) When ‘Sanctity of Life’ and ‘Self-Determination’ Clash: Briggs v The Walton Centre NHS Trust & Ors [2016] EWCOP 53, Journal of Medical Ethics,
- Cowley, J (2017) How the DoLS can give voice to people with minimal consciousness, Community Care
- Chatfield, D, Lee, S, Cowley, J, Kitzinger, C, Kitzinger, J, Menon, D (2017) A broader role for Independent Mental Capacity Advocates (IMCA) in Critical Care?, Nursing in Critical Care
- Latchem, J, Kitzinger, J, Kell, C. Boniface, G (2016) Developing a multimedia learning resource for allied health professionals: exploring the challenges of prolonged disorders of consciousness. Physiotherapy journal
- Kitzinger, J & Kitzinger, C (2016) Causes and Consequences of Delays in Treatment-Withdrawal from PVS Patients: A Case Study of Cumbria NHS Clinical Commissioning Group v Miss S and Ors [2016] EWCOP 32, Journal of Medical Ethics,
- Kitzinger, C and Kitzinger, J (2016) ‘Court applications for withdrawal of artificial nutrition and hydration from patients in a permanent vegetative state: Family experience‘, Journal of Medical Ethics, 42:11-17
- Kitzinger, J and Kitzinger, C (2016) ‘Increasing Understanding and Uptake of Advance Decisions’, PPiW Report for Welsh Government.
- Birchley, G, Jones, K; Huxtable, R; Dixon, J; Kitzinger, J and Clare, L (2016) ‘Dying Well with Reduced Agency: A Scoping Review and Thematic Synthesis of the decision-making process in dementia, traumatic brain injury and frailty‘ BMC Medical Ethics
- Kitzinger, C and Kitzinger, J (2015) ‘Family perspectives on proper medical treatment’ in Fovargue, S and Mullock, A (eds) The Legitimacy of Medical Treatment: What Role for the Medical Exception? Routledge
- Latchem, J., Kitzinger, J and Kitzinger, C (2015) ‘Physiotherapy for vegetative and minimally conscious state patients: family perceptions and experiences’, Disability and Rehabilitation
- Halliday, S, Formby, A and Cookson, R (2015) ‘An assessment of the court’s role in the withdrawal of clinically assisted nutrition and hydration from patients in the permanent vegetative state‘, Medical Law Review
- Formby, A., Cookson, R. & Halliday, S. (2015) Cost analysis of the legal declaratory relief requirement for withdrawing clinically assisted nutrition and hydration (CANH) from patients in the permanent vegetative state (PVS) in England and Wales, University of York Centre for Health Economics Research Paper 108.
- Saunders, B, Kitzinger, J and Kitzinger, C (2015) ‘Anonymising interview data: challenges and compromise in practice’, Qualitative Research 15(5): 616-632 (online first, 2014)
- Latchem, J and Kitzinger, J (2015) ‘Breaking down barriers: the importance of good relationships in long-term neurological care’, Nursing and Residential Care 16(12): 513-514
- Nettleton, S, Kitzinger, J and Kitzinger, C (2014) ‘A diagnostic illusory?The case of distinguishing ‘vegetative’ and ‘minimally conscious’ states‘, Social Science and Medicine,116,134-141
- Kitzinger, C (2014) ‘Advance Decisions Do they work‘ Elder Law Journal
- Kitzinger, C and Kitzinger J (2014) ‘This in-between’ – how families talk about death in relation to disorders of consciousness’, in Van Brussels, L and Carpentier, N (eds) The Social Construction of Death, Palgrave. (Click on title for access, or for kindles see:
- Edgar, A, Kitzinger, C and Kitzinger, J (2014) ‘Interpreting chronic disorders of consciousness: medical science and family experience’, Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice
- Hall, A (2014) ‘Representing chronic disorders of consciousness: voice in Isabel Allende’s Paula‘, Literature and Medicine
- Kitzinger, J (2014) ‘Media representation of science and health: the case of coma’ in Miller, T (ed) The Routledge Companion to Global Popular Culture, Routledge pp 333-342
- Kitzinger, C and Kitzinger J (2014) ‘Grief, anger and despair in relatives of severely brain injured patients: responding without pathologising‘, Editorial. Clinical Rehabilitation
- Kitzinger, J and Samuel, G (2014) ‘Context, conspiracy, pseudonyms and self-report data: discussion of reporting consciousness in coma‘, JOMEC Journal: Journalism, Media and Cultural Studies
- Holland, S, Kitzinger C and Kitzinger J (2014) ‘Death, treatment decisions and the permanent vegetative state: evidence from families and experts‘, Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy
- Saunders, B, Kitzinger, J and Kitzinger, C (2014) ‘Participant anonymity in the internet age: From theory to practice‘, Qualitative Research in Psychology
- Kitzinger, C and Kitzinger J (2014) ‘Withdrawing artificial nutrition and hydration from minimally conscious and vegetative patients: family perspectives‘, Journal of Medical Ethics
- Halliday, S, Kitzinger, C & Kitzinger, J (2014) ‘Law in everyday life and death: A socio-legal study of chronic disorders of consciousness‘, Legal Studies
- Samuel, G and Kitzinger, J (2013) ‘Reporting consciousness in coma: Media framing of neuro-scientific research, hope, and the response of families with relatives in vegetative and minimally conscious states’, JOMEC Journal: Journalism, Media and Cultural Studies
- Turner-Stokes, L, Kitzinger, J, Gill-Thwaites, H, Playford, E.D, Wade, D, Allanson, J, Pickard, J (2012) ‘fMRI for vegetative and minimally conscious states‘, British Medical Journal, 345: e8045
- Kitzinger, J and Kitzinger, C (2012) ‘The “window of opportunity” for death after severe brain injury: Family experiences’, Sociology of Health and Illness, 35(7): 1095-1112 [or download executive summary only]
- Latchem, J and Kitzinger, J (2012) What is important to residents with neurological conditions and their relatives in rehabilitation and long-term care centres?, Research Report, Cardiff University